Saturday, December 31, 2011


i don't know why
but today i feel the world seems very quiet
so silent
i just feel like crying.

i feel like something missing in my life
but i don't know what.

or it might be the song that i currently listening to is to melancholic
that make shed to my eyes.

suddenly i feel so lonely
i can't hold the lonely feeling inside me.

i miss bapa a lot.
i miss abe.
i miss babe.
and i regret my awkward feeling towards mama.
but i just couldn't help myself from not feeling that way.
My God.. please forgive me.

in less than two hours 2011 will bid us farewell
i don't have any new resolution for the coming 2012...
that would remain the same like the previous years.
my only wish could be:
may Allah grant us good health and keep us in His tender care.

happy new year every one...

Friday, December 23, 2011


Wishing everyone a happy and merry christmas.
Be safe always.
Dont drink and drive ya!

Friday, December 16, 2011


*one lonely day*

me: kalau sia naik pangkat sia mau minta pasang wardrobe la be.... [sambil limpang-limpang tingu

abe: mmmm........

me: *sigh* [dalam hati: macam butul la konon sia naik pangkat... adooooiiii]

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

60 or Not?

Just imagine. All this while i've been driving my car (ke hulu ke hilir bagai nak rak) with an expired insurance + road tax. And it was since on the 7th of Oct and i only noticed it yesterday! Am i getting too old?
p/s: I dont think i will sign for the option 60years :-(*sigh*

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I accidently hit the wedges near the entrance of my office. Nah kuku ku tekupak suda! Punya sakit lagi tu!!!
The worst part of it was im in a hurry to catch my next class.
So i had to 'tahan' the pain, pretend like nothing happen and walk straight to the class. Which was really totured moment to bear!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


wishing everyone
a happy blessed
Eid Mubarak

may the blessings of the Lord Almighty
be with us through the years.

be safe always..

Thursday, August 18, 2011


i can't recall all of my dream lately.
everything's seems to be blurred.
sometimes dark.

why ah?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


i don't mind to pay.
but i deserve to be treated accordingly, with manner and hospitality!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011


Again. After so much in pain. After i cant stand anymore. After i thought i'm gonna collapse last nite. After Abe force me to go to the hospital. Here i am, being nebulised. Shivering like a parkinson. Oh God! Have mercy on me.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Another Father's Day without bapa.
sometimes the world seems so silent.
but i know he's watching me up there.

and this is the first father's day for Abe without babe too.
yea... babe's growing up now.

to Abe, i love you till the end of my life.
thank you for being a great bapa.

Friday, June 10, 2011


...should i say " i can what do what she can do, if not better then equally good as she did!"...

after all, its about time for me to move on,
having my own life,
living my life.

i've been too defensive all this while..
protecting my pride,
healing the shame,
trying to stand tall despite of my numbness.

and i'm over it now!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


there's a moment
where i could feel the loneliness...

there's a moment
where i really wish that you were here...

here is the moment though,
when i'm all by myself...

praying that i'll be strong enough
...come what may
and i'll stand still with you!

*June is a sentimental month in my calendar:)

Monday, May 30, 2011


my dearest darling, half of soul,
light of my life and jewel of all wives..
i think of thee, of thee and yet of thee,
like thee there never yet can ever be..

thine two intoxicating eyes i miss,
and thy cheeks and lips i used to kiss,
O' my tentalizing agony would cease,
and reunited with thee i'd be at peace,

if helen of troy were clad in the beauty of thousand stars,
then thou gentle as evening air art in mine eyes,
as shine the moon among the lesser fires,
of all the queens that ever lived,
i chose thee to rule me,

mine very own one and only,
to the very marrow thou will see i love ye,
o' how in the world am i to live without thee?


Babe has grown up to a very brave n strong man. I pray to God that He will keep babe in his tender care, give him the strength to face his new life. Mami loves you babe!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Me: Be can i join the camping trip to Danum Valley on the 14-17 June?

Be: (after a long silence)... golden opportunity... why not?

**thanks darling! i love u... Xoxo**

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Walking along the riverside at S'wak waterfront. A journey to remember as the transition of the new phase of our life. Babe, Abe and myself.

Monday, May 9, 2011



blame it to..(?)

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I dont have any picture of my mum. Its hard for me to get one. As hard for me to show my love to her. it took all my courage to post this special greeting in conjunction of mother's day.
Ma... Happy mama's day. U know deep inside my heart, i love u no matter what.

Friday, May 6, 2011


am currently reading this. A bit late.. selalu kehabisan stok. He has an inspiring story... some of which i never imagine would happened to him. ...and i can truly relive the old moments he pictured in his memoirs!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Yeah.. Being the parents of a teen who is a kipas-susah-mati to NOH@Hujan really make my head dang! Thanks to God. Finally babe's dream to meet Noh in person came true tonite. And thanks to Noh.. for your willingness to meet your fan.. who come all the way from Sabah, just to see u. Thank u:-).

Sunday, May 1, 2011


The contrast between us:
Dia otak kanan saya otak kiri.
Dia banyak cakap saya banyak buat kerja.
Dia banyak kawan saya kurang kawan.
Dia GUMUK saya kurus.
Dia besar saya kìci! And that ìs very obvious in the picture!

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Another bruises appeared.
I ask Abe if there's any probability he accidentally hit me while we're sleeping. And hd answered: absolutely no!
So i wonder if this kinda symptom has sumthing to do with my platelet count which is consìdered relatively very low!
Dear Dr. in da house, pls gimme some some clue:-(

Monday, April 25, 2011


We've been dreaming to have a kind of what we called 'jendela dunia' for our dream house. And that was like thousand years back when abe n i were still dating and so young and so much in love then. And we're still struggling to pursuit our dreams now...

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Didnt notice the cracked until this morning!
I wonder if Lappy can survive longer.
I need it to get ALL my work done.
Pls God save my Lappy.
*finger cross*:-(

Friday, April 8, 2011


After almost 3mths my buddy has not take any 'bath'. Lucky today seems to be just the perfect time for him to have a fresh look. Kesian ni hari2 being the 'comot'est car!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


What da heck? I found tis when i woke up tis morning. I rub my face and oh my...!!! *Pimple pimple pls go away*

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I dreamt of bapa last nite.
And it made me thinking of him the whole day.
How i miss him every sìngle day.
That would bring tears to my eyes.
I wish i had the chance to hold his hands again.
I wish he could still heard the words i whìsper to his ear.
How much i love him.
And i mìss him.
Pa.. May ur soul rest in peace.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Being the typical me who can only MASAK NASI, MASAK MAGGI DAN TELUR DADAR eventually didnot crash my passion of watching all cooking shows aired on tv. So there are my cooking wares, which is merely a PERHIASAN.. just to make my dayB-)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Xingnian kuaile

Small dragon at home to chase away the bad luck and bring the prosperity:-D

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Thanks God.
For all the good and bad things happen to me.

Syukur alhamdulillah.
Atas segala nikmat dan kebaikan yang Kau berikan.
Atas segala kesakitan yang Kau berikan untuk mengujiku.

Berikan aku kekuatan.
Berikan aku ketabahan.

Ampuni dosa-dosaku.

Friday, January 14, 2011


I do not know how n what to describe this phenomena. The face found appeared on a tree. I let u people to judge.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy new year everyone.
Today is the first day of 2011.
I woke up this morning with one clear word:
it was written clearly. in my dream.
what does it mean?
i have no idea at all.

*God... have mercy on us..