Thursday, August 7, 2008

deliveringthe feelingofFRUSTRATION

am i too superstitious?

just because i believe that the mole i carry at my back is the sign of the burden i carry in my life?

or i shouldn't call it a burden at all?

i am the youngest in my family with a brother [the eldest] and two sisters.

and all of us are working.

but when it comes to our responsibility towards our parents it seems that i am the one who should take care of everything. yes everything!
be it in financial, decision-making, bring them to their doctor's appointment and the list may go on.

i don't mean to whine here.

but sometimes i think they're too much for letting me handling all the matters alone.

[sinang saja cakap : sorry, i can't help u coz of bla..bla..bla..]

hey.. come on la bro and sisters... nda kan adik yang kecil ni mau mengajar kamu pasal tanggungjawab?


Nis Manis said...

oh, nmpknya part ur bro n sis tu more to me la.. **matilamakkk!!**

its bcoz pada my parents, aku ni la beban diorg..


bulan_sunrise said...

aku bukan mau mengungkit ba nis, tapi kadang2 macam nda tertanggung rasa yang ku simpan. yang lain2 buat macam nda tau ja.