i've been tagged!!!
sorry la for the late response nis... been quite busy 2,3 ari ni.
1) what were you doing 5 years ago?
- working
- enjoying life
- jual cd
- most of it ... da lupe le
- memeras otak menjawab tag ni
- ngemas my untidy room
- prepare note for my Statistical Methods class [i don't like this paper...:-(]
- nak gi jenjalan with abe
- oh yea... nak gi beli charger hp baru..
- i love any kind of chocky
- ice cream [ ni kira snack juga ke?]
- hazelnut
- cheesecake
- crispy potatoes
- resign from work
- migrate to UK
- beli private jet
- melancong n bersopeng
- derma kat anak yatim
- i've done one and stick to it till now..
6) who are 5 person you want to tag?
- i wish to, but my list is not even up to 5.. so how Nis...?
the end..
wah, mau migrate ke uk??
napa kian? nda syiok suda d kk tu? **matilaamakk penyebok!
syabasssssss kerna bjaya mnjawab tag ye..
btw, u ni lecturer ka? siap statistic bagai.. adeh!
Bulan, aku tulung kau buat tag ni :) Matilah inda tau malu kan? hihi.
Selamat berpuasa lai,I know its kinda late tapi aku mau jua cakap.
P/s: Kau ni di KK ka di semenanjung? If kau di KK, aku jeles ni pasal waktu berbuka di sana 1 jam awal. Hihi
nis and bella
thanx for dropping by.
selamat berpuasa to you too bell n thanx for tulun buat tag ni..
i'll be bz [really bz bah] 2,3 minggu ni so nda sempat menerjah blog korang. bila aku ada time nanti adalah aku menyibuk menyisip2 tu.
take care to both of u [almaklumla korang tu jauh di perantauan kan!]
lots of luvs and hugs!
bah bila sampat suda, nda suda bz, sila la menyisip2 aa..
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