Your EQ is 113

You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.
On an average day, you're quite happy, together, and content.
You live your life well.Your emotions aren't always stable, but you can go along with the ups and downs pretty well.
You tend to be motivated, energetic, focused, and level headed.You see the world pretty rationally, and you don't tend to over dramatize things.
When things are bad, you know they eventually have to get better.
[get your EQscore here now]
wah1 ajaib ni!!
buleh d try2..
**haruss aku emo overdose kann..
cuba ja nis [just for fun fun mah]. ramai org IQ tinggi tp EQ kureng.. tu yg nda dpt kawal perasaan tu. tp aku rasakan ko ok ja bab2 emo ni..
Tapi mana kamu mau lawan emoku.. hihihi! Inda jua mau kalah bah. Kuat menyampuk eh..hihi.
Aku prefer tinggi EQ dari IQ sebab orng yang terlebih oandai ni kadang-kadang annoying jua.
Bulan, aku mau mengucapkan Selamat berhari raya bersama keluarga. Maaf zahir dan batin aa.
hiks..ko mimang dang. super duper bab emo ni! i agree with u pasal EQ compared to IQ.
aku jua mengucapkan selamat hari raya mahap zahir batin [ikhlas ni dang]. semoga gembira dan selamat selalu.
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