Sunday, September 28, 2008


abe texted me from his office: SP ada masalah besar.
i was kinda...dup dap dup dap...
then abe told me the story.
but i can't reveal the things here.
all i can say is: it's work's matter and it has to do something with $$, and related to someone too.
abe slept very early last night. around 1930.
he didn't join babe for their weekly futsal game.
i try not to disturb him. i let him took all the time he need to rest.
at 0059 he woke me up.
and we talked until its time for sahur.
after performing his subuh prayer he continued to sleep.
...poor abe. he must be too stressed now.


Nis Manis said...

althou i'm not quite sure what's happening, i pray 4 the best 2 u n ur family..

be strong ok.. n support each other..


bulan_sunrise said...

thanx nis. d thing s not settle yet. dah la he spent raya eve kat police station doing their report and statement, then ari ni pon abe kena gi opes utk preparation for tomorrow's board meeting.
*hugs u too*

Nis Manis said...

aiyo, sampai kena g balai sgala ni.. hope by this time da ok la smua nya ya..