Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I just want to express my sincere gratitude and special thanks to belladonna for her support. i was blessed to have known u through this virtual world. Aku ni ndak pandai berbahasa bunga-bunga dang tapi aku betul-betul terharu dengan sokongan ko ni. I wish i can learn more from u.. pasal hidup, pasal blogging, tentang mucho gusto tu... as i've mention before, u were among the blogger who have inspired me to do this.
Once again... thanks buddy!


Belladonna said...

I know its kinda late (post mu on april) but I would like to say a zillion thanks for the special post.

Aku ni indada apa2, but I hope I can give you my moral support and love. That's how I get throught the rough patches, with the help of friends.

We are always here if you need a shoulder to cry on :)

bulan_sunrise said...

a friend in need is a frien indeed.... and i'm grateful to have u as a friend [though we never jumpa and kenalpun]..