Friday, November 28, 2008


i received a call 2 days ago. a stranger [to me] who knew my name.
and i was really surprised to find out that the person is one of my classmate back in for 4/5.
OMG! is this real..?
she told me about the plan to have our class reunion. there are 18 of us..
hush.. now i feel that I'm getting too old [ kertu ke i ni?]
but deep inside i really do not know what should i say when i meet them...
.. i don't even remember their name..or even their face... [aku memang bukan kawan sejati la..sorry buddies!]
but what ever it is..i'm looking forward to meet u alls - romy[Dr.], saliah, lucia, tina, shida, maria, gang, dk[now an Ass. Prof Dr. at UMS], jesper [olsen ka?], zack, smitty, rahim, peter, and sapa lagi ah.. aiya lupa suda...


Nis Manis said...

best nya buleh jumpa kwn2 lama..

walaupun ekceli ko pun lupa2 ingat suda..



bulan_sunrise said...

dang yg banar akupon nda tau apa yg mau dikurapakkan bila betamu nanti.. takut jua nda ngam tajuk. ye la masing2 da ada haluan sendiri kan. ada yg nda bule terima kali..