Saturday, November 22, 2008


over a month i didnt post anything. not that im in 'kamalhasan' [as what msNis said in her blog]. i do visit my favourite blogs and drop some greetings just to say hi. until recently when i get very busy doing things done before the year come to an end.
so where do i begin?
my last post was on the 28th of sept [just a few days before the raya]. and i really want to share how do we celebrate our raya this year. but cerita pun da basi kan.. anyway here's some pics to tell how/where do we spent our 1st syawal this year.

abe arranging and composing the bouquet to be brought to the mosque where his late father remains

abe reciting the yasin at his late father's grave

soon after that, we headed to Thai Odyssey and having our body massage

having our feet cleanse before the massaging started
and after the massage we had our lunch at the restaurant downstairs

remember when i had my diarrhea after my meeting in Ipoh during the Ramadan month? after that bad diarrhea i caught a bad flu and experienced a difficulty in breathing. when i cannot really tahan i went to the clinic and here's what the treatment i got:

that's me kena pump... but i have to do it 'layan diri'.
the doctor said i had an asthma and i cant simply take any cough tablet/mixture.
i was prescribed with an antibiotics, asthma pills.
note the guy behind me? he was blind and sent to the clinic by his daughter..
'jangan takut' he said to if he can see my terrified face.


i received an offer letter 2 weeks ago. a post that i never apply. the weird thing is they asked me to submit the application form at the same time they offered the the post. a senior lecturer at IAB, which will be based in Genting. part of me were happy. getting the opportunity to work in peninsular will be a great experience. but then i realised that i still have a big responsibility here. Abe said he didn't mind if i took the offer, but he asked me to consider about bapak who is sick and need my attention. after making a very hard consideration i made a hard decision to reject the post. insya'Allah there'll be another rezeki for us next time.

so that's conclude my story over a month of MIA.

school holidays are here but i'm still busy with my part time job at oum. i just finished marking my students' assignment. then it will be followed by entering their marks on the system.

meanwhile in early month of december my time will be occupied with marking the spm paper.

for the time being...i try to enjoy every moment of my so-called holiday now...cherio!


Nis Manis said...

bz banar jua ko aa..

tp ai agak konfuse skett pasal p massage on hari raya tu..

kelessss sgt taw!


hopefully asma ko tu nda la teruk sgt k.. take care dang.

bulan_sunrise said...

tu la the weirdo things we did dang! apo nak dikato kan..